
Job Launch Pad Offical Launch Date!

Are you looking for a job? Are you unemployed? Are you looking to change jobs? Do you know somebody who needs a job? Do you need to write a resume? Job Launch Pad is for you!

Career Consulting, Resume and Cover Letter Writing Services, Personal Portfolio Web Sites, plus much much more at one affordable price.

You get one-on-one consultation sessions, no automated services, just real people working for you.

Certified, educated, trained, and experienced; you only get the best!

Job Launch Pad will officialy launch on July 4th 2009!

Please Visit our Facebook event HERE

Please Visit our Myspace page HERE

Please Visit us on Twitter right HERE

Please Visit the actual site HERE


We look forward to working closely with you in the near future.


Ryan Rose
Director of Client Relations
Our Judeo-Christian Nation Woop Congressman Forbes!


Rough couple of weeks

Well following the death of my dog I have had a pretty bad couple of weeks, lots of stress and things breaking, then to top it all off I killed a squirrel driving to a prayer breakfast at 6:30 a.m. on Tuesday....that about crushed me.


On Friday June 5th, 2009 at roughly 3 A.M. my best friend and most wonderful dog ever to live, Snoopy, passed away.